We are all “seekers” in some way. Seeking to improve, grow, help, or even innovate. Groping for ways to move forward, sometimes unaware that behind our search for fun, excitement, or entertainment is the strong pull of connection. In this issue, you will find a group of people seeking to connect who they are with what they do. From a family looking to connect us with our food to a young poet exploring her inner feelings and new directions, each profile can help us discover a little bit about ourselves and our own quests.
You will notice a lot of black in this issue. I have wanted to experiment and play with black pages rather than white for a while, and this being a celebration of six years of Content, I thought that now would be a great time to do something different. Hopefully, it will be as fun for you as it was for us, and though there is no hidden meaning—I’m not depressed, angry, or whatever emotion might be associated with black—I do know that the searching and questioning that comes into our lives can feel like a silent, black hole of despair. If that is the case for you, I hope that the bright red and the personalities of this issue give you hope and help you to discover whatever you might seek.
Daniel Garcia
In this issue, you will find a group of people seeking to connect who they are with what they do.