Though we are not merely what we do, who we are is deeply connected to how we act, what we consume, and how we choose to spend our time. In this issue, we feature people that illustrate that universal bond between our being and our doing. No matter how we think of ourselves, what is in our core begins to find its way out in our private and public realms. Thus, each person here represents their inner being through their making and creating. Whether an artist, musician, actor, chocolatier, or change leader like Mr. Diridon Sr.—a catalyst for civic transportation change—each person here is performing as an outpouring of their character.
In addition, in this issue, we are honoring the SVLaureates. These creatives have demonstrated a commitment to their craft and have been recognized for their artistic contributions to our community. We congratulate you all.
As you read, may you be inspired by the stories of our neighbors to think how you can align the who you are with what you perform.
Daniel Garcia
Perform 10.3